
The collective of “Yevlakh Electric Network” (EN) are begun preparation work to autumn – winter season since spring. Carried out work during last period makes opportunity supplying of the consumers with stabile electric power.

According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, the transformer by 40 MVA was substituted with the transformer by  63 MVA at “Yevlakh” s/s by 110 kV. Capital and maintenance repair work were operated at TL by 10-6-0,4 kV, at transformer points. By the way, 53 stands were substituted with new concrete ones at the III Kend TL, the XIII Fider, Nematabad, the II Fider TL by 10 kV.

Lets` noted that, 78 wooden stands were substituted with iron - concrete ones at Yevlakh – Barda way, Samadabad, Yukhari Garkhun, Tanrigulular Hajimahmudlu villages and at TL by 0,4 kV. Different powered 35 transformers were maintenance and capital repaired. Renewing of Nematabad, Jirdaghan TL, stands in a crash situation  at Narimankend, Huruushaghi, Ashaghi Garkhun villages, capital and maintenance repair work of transformer points by 10 – 6/0,4 kV are continued.

Lets` noted that, oil circuit breakers by 10 and 35 kV were capital and maintenance repaired at Yevlakh s/s by 110 kV belonging to the network service. About 600 insulators were changed at TL by 110 kV and at the I – II Ujar TL.

By the way, the territory of the VI Mingachevir TL by 330 kV was cleaned of green mass, repair work was implemented at the stands of the I – II Yevlakh line by 110 kV, Demir – concrete products, Yukhari Bujag, Sheher – Khanabad, the I – II Khanabad lines, insulator were changed, grounding work was strengthened.